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The Langham Study Group is a self funded organisation that was created in 1997 following an idea by Simon Cunnington and a small group of forward looking practitioners.  That idea was to create a forum for Endodontists to meet, share their knowledge and continue learning together.


With a name inspired by an old London telephone area,  its members began to meet regularly to share their expertise and network with other practitioners across the UK.  Shortly after, guest speakers were attracted to the study group to present on important topics and advances within the field of Endodontics.   


Over two decades later, over 60 guest speakers have presented to the group, which is now made up of an established community of practitioner and academic members.


Attracting national and international speakers and meeting three times a year in London, the Langham Endodontic Study Group continues to further the professional development of its members at the forefront of Endodontology.

The vision of the Langham Endodontic Study Group is to contribute to the development and training of experienced or newly qualified Endodontic professionals.  


Our purpose is to bring speakers at the forefront of research, innovation and clinical excellence to share their knowledge and experience with our members  in a relaxed learning environment.

The LESG Committee

Current Committee Members

  • Richard Condon (Senior Executive Officer)


  • George Milesis (Past SEO)​


  • Bhavin Bhuva (Treasurer)


  • Jonathan Hatton (Venue liaison)


  • Mitul Patel (Communications officer)


  • Taranpreet Puri (Assistant secretary)


  • Aram Navai (Social events organiser)


  • Marian Vallina (Member)


  • Charlie Barnfield (Member)


  • Temi Ajimoko (Student representative)



Dr Cesar De Gregorio

Sub-Director of the Graduate program in Advanced Endodontics at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

"Management of dento-alveolar trauma in the permanent dentition"



Professor Ronald Ordinola-Zapata

Associate Professor at the Endodontic Division, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry

"Innovation in root canal disinfection & understanding the endodontic-periodontic lesion"


Professor Francesc Abella Sans

Professor and Director of European Master's Degree in Endodontics, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Spain

"Endodontic Digital Workflow"


Professor Em Paul Lambrechts

(Professor Emeritus, Department of Oral Health Research, K.U.Leuven)

"An exploration of external cervical root resorption and iatrogenic damage to the endodontium"



Dr Stephen P Niemczyk

(Director of Endodontic Microsurgery, IB Bender Postdoctoral Endodontic Program, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia)

"Bleeding edge techniques and technology in microsurgical endodontics"


Professor Hal Duncan

(Professor and Consultant in Endodontics, Dublin Dental University, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)

"Vital Pulp Treatment: Basic Science, Translational Research, Protocols and Guidelines for Practice"


Professor Thomas Kvist

(Associate professor, Department of Endodontology, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden)

"Success and Failure in Endodontics Reconsidered"



Professor Giuseppe Cantatore

(Professor of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry, University “Vita-Salute” San Raffaele, Milan, Italy)

"Treatment Planning Dilemmas for Complex Endodontic Cases"


Professor Mohamed Fayad

(Associate Professor, Department of Endodontics, Director of Endodontic Research, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA)

"Pushing the envelope in Endodontics utilizing CBCT imaging"


Professor Luigi Nibali

(Professor/Honorary Consultant, Academic & Clinical Lead, Department of Periodontology, King’s College London, London, UK)

"Modern concepts in periodontal-endodontic interactions and peri-implant therapy"



Professor Justin Durham

(Professor of Orofacial Pain, Honorary Consultant Oral Surgeon, Head of the School of Dental Sciences - Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK)

"Persistent orofacial pain (POFP): pathophysiology, presentations and management plans"



Dr. Yoshitsugu Terauchi

(Endodontist & Lecturer, Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)

"How to make challenging retreatment cases turn into simple cases"



Professor Ian Needleman

(Professor of Restorative Dentistry & Evidence-Based Healthcare, Department of Restorative Dentistry, UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, UK)

"Periodontal Disease classification, management of the periodontally compromised dentition and Oral Health in Elite Sport"


Dr. Anibal Diogenes

(Director of the Endodontic Residency Programme & Vice-Chair in the Department of Endodontics, University of Texas Health Science Centre, San Antonio, USA.)

"Regenerative Endodontics, mechanisms of dental pain and its management and new frontiers in Endodontic microsurgery."


Professor Elisabetta Cotti

(Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, Chairman of the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Cagliari, Italy.)

"Apical Periodontitis and Systemic Health, Ultrasound Imaging"



Dr. Patrick Sequiera-Byron 

(Cochrane Clinical Advisor for Endodontology, Senior Lecturer, Dental School, University of Bern, Switzerland)

"Evidence Base for Endodontology - the ugly, the bad and the good".


Dr. Roddy McMillan 

(Consultant and Honorary Clinical Teaching Fellow in Oral Medicine and Facial Pain at the Eastman Dental Hospital, University College London Hospital)

"Facial Pain & Oral Medicine"


Dr. Carlos Aznar Portoles

(Endodontist, Netherlands)

"Modern Endodontic Microsurgery-The attention to small details"



Professors Avijit Banerjee (1) & David Ricketts (2)

(Professors of Cariology & Operative Dentistry, King's College, London (1) and University of Dundee (2))

"Preventing dentistry 'MI' way!-non-operative caries management in practice"​​


Professor Shanon Patel

(Consultant Endodontist, Senior Lecturer, King's College, London)

"Primary endodontic treatment and pulp capping areas of CBCT research that the KCL endodontic unit is involved."


Drs Marga Ree and Michiel de Cleen

(Endodontists, Netherlands)



Professor Paul Cooper (1), Dr. Phillip Tomson (2) and Dr. Stéphane Simon (3)

((1) Professor of Oral Biology, University of Birmingham.
(2) Senior Clinical Lecturer/Hon. Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, University of Birmingham.
(3) Senior Clinical Lecturer in Oral Biology & Endodontics, University of Paris Diderot.)

"The Dental Pulp-is it the root filling of the future?"


Professor Matthias Zehnder

(Professor and Head of Division of Endodontology, Center of Dental Medicine

University of Zurich)

"Endodontic Hot Topics: Diagnostics; Resorption and internal bleaching; Chemical root canal treatment; Endodontic-periodontal lesions"


Professor Nestor Cohenca

(President IADT; Professor. University of Washington School of Dentistry)

Diagnosis and case selection in Endodontics. CBCT and Traumatic Injuries. Decoronation and Guided Tissue Regeneration for treatment of traumatized and ankylosed teeth

Root canal disinfection of immature young teeth with immature apices"



Professor Bun San Chong

(Professor of Restorative Dentistry, Honorary Consultant / Endodontic Lead and Director of Postgraduate Endodontic Programmes, University of London)

"Endodontics - Sagacity, Serendipity, Schadenfreude"


Professor Paul A Rosenberg

(Professor and Chair of the Department of Endodontics, New York University, USA)

"Endodontic Pain: Are Some Patients Predisposed To Experiencing Pain?"


Professor Hagay Shemesh

(Chair of the Division of Endodontology Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam)

"Controversies in Endodontology"



Professors Tim Watson (1) & Francesco  Mannocci (2)

((1) Professor of Biomaterials and Restorative Dentistry & Honorary Consultant of Restorative Dentistry, King's College London Dental Institute.

(2) Professor of Endodontology & Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, King's College London.

"New Diagnostic and Treatment Approaches - Treatment of Bacterial Infection from Treatment Planning to Restoration"


Dr. Martin Kelleher

(Private Restorative Practitioner in Bromley and Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at King's College London Dental Institute.)

"Pragmatic Solutions for Perennial Problems"


Professor José Siqueira

(Professor & Chairman Department of Endodontics and Molecular Microbiology Laboratory Faculty of Dentistry)

"Advances in endodontic microbiology - discussing the problem causes. Endodontic treatment failure and recommendations for management. Treating endodontic infections - the quest for the best protocol"



Professor Irene Tracey (Director of Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain Centre, Nuffield Professor of Anaesthetic Science) 

Nigel Foot (Specialist Endodontist, Berkshire) 

'Imaging Pain and Relief in the Human Brain'

'Endodontic Anaesthesia'


Professor Robert M. Love

(Professor and Head of Department of Oral Diagnostic and Surgical Sciences and Discipline Head of Endodontics at the University of Otago School of Dentistry.)

"Endodontics from 45° South: from Epidemiology to Immunology"


Professor Anil Kishen 

(Associate Professor & Head of Discipline, Discipline of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Canada.) ​

"Combating root canal biofilms and vertical root fracture: Where are we now and where are we going?"



Drs Richard Kahan and Dermot Canavan

"CBCT in Specialist Endodontic Practice - 4 years and still in love!" & "New Perspectives on the diagnosis of Persistent Orofacial Pain"


Professor Ove Peters 

(Professor and Director of Endodontic Research, University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, San Francisco)

"Successful Endodontics: Foundations and new Treatment Avenues"


Professor Monty Duggal

(Professor of Paediatric Dentistry / Head of Department Leeds Dental Institute, UK)



Dr. Paula Ng and Professor Kishor Gulabivala


Professor Geoffrey Heithersay

(Clinical Professor AO. DDS(Adel), DDSc(Adel), FDSRCSEd, FRACDS.)

"Biological and pathological challenges encountered in a long and continuing endodontic journey"


Professor Thomas von Arx 

(Vice Chairman and Associate Professor Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology School of Dental Medicine University of Bern.)



Dr. Anders Molander


Professor Kenneth Hargreaves

"An Update on Pain Control and Regenerative Endodontics"


Frances Andreasen and Asgeir Sigurdsson



Professor Jeffrey Okeson


Dr David Spratt & Professor Paul Dummer


Kevin Lewis / Professor Tara Renton

"Dento-Legal issues in Endodontics" & "Iatrogenic neuropathy of the Trigeminal Nerve"



Professor Paul Abbott

"Current controversies in endodontics including aspects of nomenclature, diagnosis and biological approaches to treatment"


Dr. Domenico Ricucci


Professor Eric Whaites

"Justification, optimisation and limitation in dental radiography"



Professor Shimon Friedman


Professor Elio Berutti



Dr. John Whitworth

"A view from a provincial teaching hospital"


Professors Syngcuk Kim, Ian Needleman & Richard Palmer


Dr. David Figdor



David Brown

"Personal opinion on a variety of clinical problems"


Professor Pierre Machtou

"Controversies in endodontics"


Dr. Martin Trope



Professor Paul Lambrechts

"Micro-computer tomography, complexity of external root resorption and the cracked tooth syndrome and its implications"


Alan H. Gluskin

"Endodontic Mishaps and Clinical Calamities"


Markus Haapasalo

"Dental Resoption, Disinfection of Root Canal Systems"



Professor Kishor Gulabivala

"The nature of evidence for endodontics and concepts for practice"​


Professor Paul Wesselink

"The biological and clinical implications of technical innovations"


Professor Dag Orstavik

"The infected root canal system"



Arnaldo Castellucci

"Clinical work on non-surgical retreatment" 


Professor Jens Andreason

"The implications of current research on the management of trauma and its sequelae"



Paul Dummer

 "Quality and Standards in Endodontics"


Mike Seare, Alan Holland & Nigel Foot

 "The use of digital imaging in endodontics"

"Alternative approaches in endodontic treatments"

 "Anaesthetic techniques" 


Ramachandran Nair

"Views on current theories in the development of periradicular pathology"


Claes Reit

 "Perspective on pretreatment and decision making in a relaxed and informative style"​



Professor Tom Pitt Ford

"Research and personal perspective on pulpal and periapical disease"


Dermot Canavan

"Approach to pain diagnosis and management"


Peter Velvart



Betrand Khayat

"Perio-endo lesions, Balanced Force and the operating microscope"​


James Guttman

"Hard tissue healing"


Professor Kishor Gulabivala

"New clinical and biological insights in endodontics" 



Jack Harrison

"Surgical wound "healing and modern concepts in surgical endodontics.


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